
Svipja's Offset Practice

Our Offset Practice helps high-tech Defence and Aerospace Industry in offset projects. www.svipja.com/ refers.

We also empanel Offset Consultants with Industry knowledge in A & D. You could fill Your 'Resume' on http://www.svipja.com/careers.php , or 'Join as a Consultant' on www.indiandefenceindustry.com/


Steps in Our Offset Process

Step 1: Acquaint Yourself first on Offset business. Please visit www.IndianDefenceIndustry.com , its connected Blogs and www.svipja.com in addition to other subject matter elsewhere. Offset Partnership and projects go thru rigorous 'Due Diligence' / 'Gate Reviews' by Vendors / Obligors.

Step 2: Register online on www.IndianDefenceIndustry.com using Internet Explorer to be part of the database of the Defence Industry. We are developing a consortium of MSMEs globally with India focus for them to participate in Aerospace and Defence direct and indirect Offset Projects.

Step 3: Obtain Industrial License, if required.We take Advisory on Products / Services to target, Capacity Creation, JV and Capital tructure incl FDI & Technology Agreements, etc.

Step 4: Become Industrial Sector Partner (ISP) of Svipja / India. We will guide the ISP firms go through qualified vendor registration process for Supply Chains of aerospace & defence firms.

Some of these steps could be attempted concurrently.


1. Yearly Membership Fee for Registering on the Site and using e-Marketplace Engine for Buying/Selling, and accessing Info System, is as indicated in Tariffs on the Site. Fee is variable.

2. Separate Fee for Offset Consulting / Industrial Co-operation would apply. Contact svipja@gmail.com for further details.

3. Addl Fee will apply in case of market research, study and other services.


1. Svipja provides guidance to the Indian ISP on project suitability and document/plan preparation for the Gate Review Process, and it's Presentation as required.

2. Svipja does not take responsibility for offset fund allotment to ISPs. This is decided by A &D Major Company based on the capability of the ISP to meet the needs of the A & D Major.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Private Sector Participation in Defence Production: Industrial Licensing and FDI Issues

India has permitted 100 % participation by the private sector in defence sector, with foreign direct investment (FDI) permissible up to 26 per cent in the manufacturing, subject to licensing and security clearance. However, 100 % FDI is permitted in the case of the services sector.

By October 2011, the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) gave 200 Letters of Intent/Industrial Licenses (LoI/IL) to various private entities, with proposed investment totaling Rs 11,773 Crore, and potential employment opportunities for 38,579 people. By November 2011, a cumulative FDI of Rs 17.68 Crore (US $3.72 m) was received by the Indian defence industry.

As per the guidelines of the DIPP, defence falls under the ‘Manufacturing’ sector. So, the companies in the manufacturing business can apply for a license and get it (subject to approval), and be formally part of the defence industry. However, this is not the case for companies in the services sector (such as, engineering, design and software, etc.), which do not come under the purview of ‘Manufacturing’, and hence do not require a license for their services. Consequently, they are not formally part of the defence industry, even though their services have direct application in defence products.

For the services sector, the equivalent minimum equity share (by the Indian shareholder) is 51 per cent in order to be called an Indian company. However, Defence Offset Facilitation Agency (DOFA) —responsible for facilitating offsets in defence contracts—insists that companies in the services sector must have a minimum 74 % domestic equity share in order to participate as an Indian Offset Partner.

Full Article with Other Implications: Private Sector Participation in Defence Production

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